At 6:00 this afternoon, I went out to play. When I was playing, I saw Uncle Baoan watering the flowers. The water sprayed out of the water pipe was like a beautiful water city. I wanted to water the flowers, too.
"Do you want to play?" said uncle Bao. I said yes. I took the water pipe to water lovely grass, beautiful flowers, tall branches and tender leaves.
I watered a lovely water drop bridge, and then I went home.
Time flies!my summer vacation is going to end.
This summer i have gone to shanghai for a travel with my parents. we visited many interesting places, such as huangpu river, lujiazui district, fudan university.the traditional food there is delicious and unforgetable.
I hope i could go back shanghai next summer.
Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.
I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.
After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.
An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time. , how time flies, the blink of an eye a semester has in the past, and came to the winter vacation. In this rare winter holiday, I plan in accordance with the "three plus one" plan to do four things seriously.
A lot of reading. Read volumes, such as writing. Good project is inseparable from a lot of reading. For this semester, I feel my knowledge is not enough rich, I plan to use winter vacation time, through a lot of reading "recharge" for himself. I plan to read several Chinese classics, such as the "water margin", "journey to the west", etc. Although these classics is thick, I want to try to bite the bullet and read, draw version of it is best to read, learn about the basic content of classics. I also plan to use my subscription to the practical digest well, to get the good article to be read. His knowledge through reading and vocabulary more rich, more broad vision.
Actively writing. Teachers and parents often said to me, if you want to write a composition, not light reading, good light copying words we also not line, only a lot of "actual combat", to get more experience. So, I want to use winter vacation time to write some articles, write a diary, in the words of my father is to business with my school mail tunnels blog, blog postings number increases.
Appropriate entertainment. I think we should pay attention to the mix, primary school homework is not enough light, should be appropriate to relax and watch TV, surf the Internet to chat with friends, to ensure that every day out for more than an hour exercise and activity.
This is three things I think should be done, finally, that is to finish the homework carefully. This of course I dare not to forget, must be reasonable arrangement of time, to finish the teacher winter vacation homework ahead of time.
How, my plan is good!
推荐访问:初一英语日记80字带翻译 初一英语日记100字左右
第一人称(拼音dì yī rén chēng),是叙述人称之一。在语法上是指表达者一方,在文学作品中是指叙事视角之一,在言语(书面或口头)活动中,指称说话人自己的为第一人称。如“我”、“我们”等。以“我”的身份来叙述,“我”可以是作者自己,...
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